Here's some simple, but important rules we all need to adhere to in order for this to be a COVIDSafe event.

  1. Wear masks at all times whilst at The Pelican Bar, other than when eating or drinking

  2. Sanitize hands upon entry and during the event

  3. Arrive together as a group

  4. Remain seated at all times (sorry no dancing!)

  5. Don't interact with other tables

  6. Please respect Social Distancing and remain at least 1.5m away from other table groups.

Failure to adhere to any of these rules will result in a warning. A second breach of the rules will result in immediate eviction from the venue.


  • Staff are wearing masks at all times

  • Recording your details for contact tracing purposes

  • Adhering to the 1:4m2 density limit

  • Tables are 1.5m distance apart

  • Max 10 patrons per group

  • Cleaning between sessions of all touch points, and full commercial weekly clean

  • Providing extra toilets

  • Keeping 2 walls of our marquee open to maintain an outdoor area, and increase airflow

  • Contactless bar service from your table

  • COVID-19 training undertaken by key staff

  • Placing hand sanitizer throughout the venue

  • Socially distancing performers from each other, and from patrons

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via